DC dVET Policy Briefs

We provide policymakers and project managers with clear and convincing arguments on diverse topics related to dual VET in development cooperation. Our briefs draw insights from a wide array of publications, events, and exchanges, and are designed to inform policymakers, stakeholders, and the public with clear and actionable insights.

Policy Brief: VET Systems & Terminology: A Classification and Clarification

This Policy Brief outlines what constitutes a dual system from our point of view and how this compares to other systems

Version française:
Sytèmes d’enseignement et de formation professionnelle (EFP): classification et terminologie

Policy Brief: Dual VET in Development Cooperation: Key Elements, Success Factors, Opportunities and Limitations

This policy brief highlights the elements of dual VET to be considered in development cooperation in order to generate advantages for partner countries. It illustrates opportunities and limitations as well as key success factors.

Version francaise:
Cette note politique met en évidence les éléments de l’EFP dual à prendre en compte dans la coopération au développement afin de générer des avantages pour les pays partenaires. Il illustre les opportunités et les limites ainsi que les facteurs clés de succès.

Policy Brief: The Role of Dual VET in the Just Green Transition (JGT)

As the just green transition (JGT) incorporates the concept of economic, ecological and social sustainability, dual VET can support the just green transition on various levels. Therefore, the policy brief is aimed at practitioners and policy makers and examines the role of dual VET in the just green transition in the context of development cooperation from a holistic perspective of transformative dual VET and addresses the roles of important stakeholders in dual VET and just green transition.

Version francaise: 
Étant donné que la transition verte juste (JGT) intègre le concept de durabilité économique, écologique et sociale, l’EFP dual peut soutenir la transition verte juste à différents niveaux. Par conséquent, cette note politique s’adresse aux praticiens et aux décideurs politiques et examine le rôle de l’EFP dual dans la transition verte dans le contexte de la coopération au développement d’une perspective holistique de l’EFP dual transformateur et aborde les rôles des parties prenantes importantes dans l’EFP dual et la transition verte.

Policy Brief: Promoting Gender Equality & Social Inclusion (GESI) in Dual VET in the Context of Development Cooperation

This policy brief outlines the definition of GESI in dual VET and how to support the implementation of GESI in dual VET in the context of development cooperation.

Policy Brief: Leveraging Financial Incentives for dual VET?

This policy brief is directed at policy stakeholders reflecting on whether to introduce financial subsidisation in their country for fostering (participation in) dual VET. It provides a short overview of financial incentives in DACH-countries, explains the rationale for offering financial incentives, presents the main steps and key guiding principles when designing financial subsidies.

Policy Brief: Cost-Benefit Considerations in Dual VET in Development Cooperation: Why does it matter?

This policy brief aims to provide policymakers and project managers with clear and convincing arguments for structured discussions with the business sector on the topic of “cost-benefit considerations for companies engaging in dual VET”. It also serves as guide to help them assess what type of analysis is adequate in different contexts and situations.