Dual VET – History, Characteristics and Terminology
Dual VET has a long-standing tradition in the Donor Committee’s four member countries. During recent years, this topic has gained broad international interest. Thanks to their practice-oriented and labor market relevant training, young people with a dual VET background are particularly successful in entering the world of employment. Accordingly, dual VET is regarded as an important reason for the low youth unemployment rate in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland.
The DC dVET study at hand presents the core elements of the dual systems of Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. It provides information on the following topics:
Economic Framework and History
Dual VET systems of the countries compared have evolved over a long period of time and are strongly influenced by the economic framework conditions of the respective country. The study provides interesting information on the economic situation and historical development of the four dual VET systems.
Comparison of Dual VET Systems
Learn about the main features and success factors of the four dual VET systems and how they are implemented in practice. The study presents the similarities and differences between the systems in detail and points to important reference documents.
Neighboring Systems
Vocational education and training systems are always closely connected with other systems; in this regard, further education and training systems, labor market information systems and systems of (active) labor market measures are particularly relevant. Get an insight into these systems and their characteristics in the four countries of comparison.
Having a common understanding of important terms is a prerequisite for successful cooperation in order to ensure everybody is talking about one and the same. The study offers a helpful overview of the basic terms, with definitions used in the field of dual VET.
Topics & Resources
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