Our Experience

Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland dispose of longstanding experience with projects in the field of VET. However, is it possible to introduce dual VET systems in countries and differing contexts without a corresponding tradition? Our experts agree that the systems cannot be transferred in their entirety. This being said, there are core features and success factors of the four dual VET systems that can serve as valuable references for other countries. In the opinion of the Donor Committee, six areas are of particular importance for successful project implementation. Find out more in the video.

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Dual VET as an Option

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This study summarizes long-term experience made with dual VET in development cooperation. It is based on a survey conducted with more than 20 experts from the four DC dVET member countries.

The paper offers a wide range of recommendations for project work. Among other things, it clarifies the extent to which vocational education and training differs from similar systems such as labor market measures. The following three core questions are dealt with in depth: How does dual VET position itself in the field of tension between economic development and poverty reduction? What aspects need to be taken into account when organizing the joint task of public and private sector? What are the possible entry scenarios for introducing dual VET? The document concludes with a useful notepad for project work. The reading of this study is recommended to all those who wish to gain concise, valuable insight on the practical experience of others.

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Topics & Resources

Topics and Resources. Learn more about Dual Vocational Education and Training (DC dVET), Source: Swisscontact

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