A great variety of innovative digital solutions, such as mobile messages, online games, offline multimedia-content and collaborative platforms can contribute to VET: They can make learning and teaching more interactive and effective and support the school-workplace integration. The development of eVET solutions is not a trivial task, but there are strategies, rules and guidelines that can help you avoiding mistakes and creating effective solutions in your respective context.
Interested? To support interested practitioners and policy makers launching or improving eVET-offers, the VSD Team of the Focal Point e+i commissioned the Swiss Educational Innovation Network to hold a series of webinars.
Please register here for the webinar.
The first two identical webinars will take place on Tuesday, September 24, 10am and 3pm (CEST). The participants will gain insights into the newest findings and receive practical recommendations from an ongoing review of 80+ case studies on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in VET. In a 30-minutes presentation and a 15-minutes Q&A session we will address the following questions:
1. In which ways and formats has technology been used to enhance VET?
2. What are effects and outcomes of TEL?
3. What are context and design factors that need to be considered in the implementation of TEL?
These first webinars are open for non-SDC staff and will be held in English. Further webinars are planned to dive deeper into the topic until the end of 2019.
For more information on the webinar and on the topic please visit our dedicated shareweb site.