On this course, participants learn how to contribute to the development of inclusive vocational training systems and programmes designed to overcome the barriers faced by disadvantaged groups and individuals. This e-learning training is organized in close collaboration with the ILO’s Employment Department, its Skills and Employability Branch, and Humanity & Inclusion – Handicap International. It is intended for those who are motivated to learn how to improve the outreach, quality and relevance of vocational training for all.
Policymakers and technical advisors of ministries of employment/labour and education; members of skills councils, national TVET authorities and similar institutions; representatives of workers‘ and employers‘ organizations involved in skills development; experts and technical staff working in the field of TVET planning and in CSOs and NGOs working with vulnerable groups; specialized institutions from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors that are working on gender issues, informality and the integration of persons with disabilities.
This course provides practical guidance for assessing and building inclusive TVET and skills development systems catered to a range of groups and individuals, such as women, persons with disabilities, people living in rural areas, migrant workers, and people working in the informal sector. By the end of the eLearning programme, participants will have:
- Built awareness on key concepts and benefits of social inclusion in TVET for all
- Identified the underlying causes of inequalities, address questions of status, and challenge social perceptions
- Learnt how to overcome existing barriers to access and participation through carefully designed policy intervention and practical measures for inclusive TVET design and delivery.
The course endorses a holistic approach to the training and labour market inclusion process – from accessibility of training to participation, graduation, and work transition for all, focusing on some key specific topics:
- Inclusive TVET policies and strategies, following a rights-based approach
- Universal TVET system design from access to participation, graduation and transition to work
- Inclusive learning methodologies
- Framework for analysis of inequalities in TVET
- Targeted measures to redress inequalities.
This innovative eLearning course has been designed according to a learner-centred approach in order to better involve participants and keep them motivated. It is highly interactive and engaging. Different methods have been used to make the content interesting, relevant and entertaining. The course includes a digital assessment tool that helps participants selfassess the current degree of inclusivity of a TVET and skills development system. After the participant has completed each module and submitted the assignment through the course platform, a tutor will provide feedback and the participant will be given access to the next module. Participants who successfully complete the assignments required (one per each module) will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
EUR 950
Apply here (deadline 28.02.22)