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E-learning course: Skills dimensions of labour migration to promote decent employment for all

Lade Veranstaltungen

Alle Veranstaltungen

Introduction to the course

This course aims to promote better labour-market outcomes for migrant workers in both sending and receiving countries. Key topics including skills recognition, labour-market information systems, and the role of public employment services and recruitment agencies.

Who attends this course?

ILO constituents, ministries, academia, NGOs, diaspora associations

What topics does this course cover?

This course focuses on the skills-related components of policies and programmes for migrant workers.

  • Skills anticipation and matching
  • Transparency, recognition and portability of skills
  • Skills development for migrant workers before, during and after migration
  • Dynamics of skills mobility and skills partnerships for development

What will I learn?

Participants discuss relevant topics with international experts and their peers.

  • The role and scope of bilateral labour migration agreements
  • Benefits for using skills anticipation and matching tools
  • Diversity of labour migrant support measures from employment and skills perspectives
  • Best practices in skills development and recognition to boost employability for migrant workers

What will I be able to do?

Participants leave this course connected to a global network of professionals operating in skills-related programs for migrant workers.

  • Integrate tools for skills anticipation and matching for managing migration flows.
  • Design and apply skills recognition approaches to facilitate access to training and the labour market
  • Conceive skills development-related actions for migrant worker target groups
  • Assess the value of skills partnerships between origin and destination countries

Why should I join?

The Turin Centre is known for its innovative learning and training methods.

  • This course takes a hands-on approach, highlights best practices, and introduces new and useful tools.
  • Participants are encouraged to share individual experiences and work in teams to enhance their learning.
  • This course gets to the core of current debates and research on skills and migration.

Who are the facilitators?
Ummuhan Bardak, ETF, Senior Specialist in Labour Market and Migration
Mariavittoria Garlappi, ETF, Senior Specialist in VET Policies and Systems
Christine Hofmann, ILO Geneva, Skills and Employability Specialist
Stefano Merante, ITCILO, TVET/Skills Development Programme Officer
Olga Strietska-Ilina, ILO Geneva, Senior Skills and Employability Specialist
Miriam Boudraa, ITCILO, Senior Programme Officer/Labour Migration

How to apply
Click here to apply before 19 September 2020. The course will be conducted in English and French.

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