Introduction to the course
This training course will examine methodologies, institutional arrangements and models for analysing the skills and competences needed for developing key economic sectors and industries. It will also focus on approaches to developing TVET strategies that respond to sector/industry-based skills needs.
Who attends this course?
The course targets policy-makers and technical advisors of ministries of employment/labour and education; members of skills councils, national TVET authorities and similar institutions; representatives of workers‘ and employers‘ organizations involved in sectoral, regional and national skills anticipation; experts and technical staff working in the field of TVET planning.
What topics does this course cover?
- This week-long course includes interactive sessions with participatory exercises, as well as presentations by subject matter specialists.
- Needs analysis through sector prioritization, sector definition, and collaborative mechanisms
- Relevant institutional arrangements, such as governance, services, and sectoral skills councils
- Economic sectors and skills financing, per sector
What will I learn?
- Participants learn about sectoral approaches for adequate policy making and planning on skills development.
- All about the drivers of change that impact the skills supply and demand at a sectoral level
- Methodologies, mechanisms, and modalities needed to identify labour market imbalances
- How to recognize which skills will be needed in the future, and act through a macroeconomic policy framework
What will I be able to do?
- The goal of this course is to help participants understand all the elements of sectoral skills development, so they can imagine better policies for the future of work.
- Analyze different methods and tools related to quantitative and qualitative methods to identify labour market imbalances
- Utilize different sectoral skills financing mechanisms and governance systems, as well as policy mechanisms and institutional arrangements
- Adopt a comprehensive sectoral approach to drive positive change for skills development
Why should I join?
- The Turin Centre is known for its unconventional and effective learning methodologies.
- This course is highly participatory and facilitates discussions between experts and participants.
- Different learning methodologies, interactive presentations, and group exercises allow for knowledge-sharing and reflection.
- Participants are encouraged to bring interesting or relevant documents, such as country-specific skills anticipation methodologies, to share.
For more information click here.