This e-Learning course, organized in collaboration with the European Training Foundation, examines underlying principles, general guidelines and different approaches that can assist national policy-makers, experts and stakeholders, as well as international cooperation agencies in analysing, exploring and identifying financing mechanisms for building sustainable skills-development systems. The course aims to foster mutual learning and increasing institutional knowledge by reviewing existing systems, mechanisms, incentives and practices for the financing of skills development and TVET.
Who attends this course?
The course targets a mixed audience of professionals involved in skills development and vocational training policy, employment creation, and social inclusion at the national and regional levels. It will be of particular interest to senior policy-makers, technical staff and advisors to ministries of labour and education, as well as other ministries and authorities involved in skills development and TVET policies and systems; management and technical staff of national training authorities and national or sector-based training funds, including representatives of regional networks of national training funds; representatives of workers‘ and employers‘ organizations working in the area of skills development and TVET; programme staff of national, bilateral or multilateral development agencies working on skills development; directors of TVET institutions.
English, French
900 EUR
You can find more information regarding the course and registration here.