DC dVET Webinars & Workshops
The DC dVET organises webinars and workshops on various topics related to dual VET.
Find the current activities, which are openly accessible here.
The documentation of past webinars and workshops can be found here:
- Green BarCamp 5: Voices from trainees on relevance & effectiveness of dual green training
- Green BarCamp 4: Sustainable VET along the Value Chain
- Green BarCamp 3: Greening VET – Measuring its Effects and Justice Implications
- Gender Equality & Social Inclusion in Dual VET: Webinar & Expert Consultation
- Green BarCamp 2: The Role of the Business Sector in Dual VET in a Just Green Transition
- Green BarCamp 1: The Role of dual VET in a Just Green Transition
- Business Sector Engagement in Dual VET: Webinar & Expert Consultation
- GESI BarCamp 5: Measuring Qualitative & Transformative Progress on GESI
- GESI BarCamp 4: Addressing Complexity of Social Inclusion in Dual VET in a Feasible Way
- GESI BarCamp 3: Company Strategies to Implement GESI in Dual VET
- GESI BarCamp 2: Translating Gender & Social Inclusion Policy Objectives into Reality & Action
- Green Transition & Jobs // Transition & Employ Verts – Ameliorer le climat pour égalité des genres aussi
- GESI BarCamp 1: Gender and Inclusion in dual VET in Development Cooperation
- Micro-, Small- & Medium-Sized Enterprises and Dual VET in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Implementing Dual Apprenticeships – Lessons from South Africa
- Companies Engaging in Dual VET: Do Financial Incentives Matter? Options, Pros and Cons
- Matching VET with Labor Market Needs – How to Assess the Skills Demand
- Financing of (Dual) VET
- Cost-Benefit Analyses for Companies in (Dual)VET
- Dual VET in Development Cooperation – Key Elements and Principles
- Expert Conference, Lucerne (Switzerland), 14 April 2016
Green BarCamp 5: BarCamp 5: Voices from trainees on relevance & effectiveness of dual green training (8 July 2024)
In the fifth BarCamp on the topic of “The Role of Dual VET in the Just Green Transition”, trainees formed the centre of the event. The voices of the young adults were heard and discussed in a panel discussion (see video).
Panel discussion moderated by M. Winkler (VET Toolbox)
Green BarCamp 4: Sustainable VET along the supply chain (7 May 2024)
The fourth BarCamp on the topic of ‘Dual VET for a just green transition’ focussed on the new ‘VET Chain’ tool from GOVET (BIBB). This was presented as part of the key note (see video). In addition, the application of the tool and other field experiences were presented and discussed in breakout sessions.
Keynote speech by Dr H. Kress and J. Oleson (GOVET BIBB)
Green BarCamp 3: Greening VET – Measuring Effects and Justice Implications (7 March 2024)
During the third BarCamp on the topic of “Dual VET for a just green transition”, experiences in the area of impact measurement and effects on justice were presented and discussed.
Key note by M. Pavlova (UNEVOC Center Hong Kong)
Presentation Breakout Sessions
- E4E (North Macedonia / Helvetas, SDC):
- University Heidelberg: Climate Change education: Trainees as future company actors and decision-makers
- Don Bosco Mondo: Sustainable green TVET opportunities for marginalized young people
- Bridging Innovation & Learning in TVET (BILT):
- AMS /bfi Austria: Pathway to establish the first climate protection training center in Europe
- Results Mentimeter: here
Gender & Social Inclusion in Dual VET: Webinar & expert consultation on practical experiences & best practices (webinar 30 January 2024, expert consultation 6 February 2024)
The webinar provided insights into the GIZ Global Project Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (by Thomas Trümper) and the practical experiences of BRAC Bangladesh (by Tasmiah T. Rahman) and Enable India (by Shanti Raghavan).
Recordings of Webinar Inputs
Green BarCamp 2: The Role of the Business Sector in Dual VET in a Just Green Transition (23 January 2024)
The second BarCamp on “dual VET in a just green transition” presented and discussed the motivation of the business sector to invest in green dual VET for a just transition and the potential business case behind it.
Keynote by Andreas Müller (AHK Mexico)
Green BarCamp 1: The Role of Dual VET in a Just Green Transition (25 October 2023)
The first BarCamp on “dual VET in a just green transition” presented and discussed the variety of justice dimensions and social aspects from different perspectives, including donors, implementers, industry and trade unions.
Recording of thematic input by Dirk A. Heyen & panel discussion with Birte Ifang (BMZ), Anthony Gewer (NBI South Africa), Ruly Marianti (GIZ, ISED Project Indonesia) and Mark Hagen (ITUC).
Business Sector Engagement in Dual VET: Webinar & Expert Consultation (19 & 26 September 2023)
Engaging with the business sector remains one of the recurring challenges in dual VET. During the Webinar Prof. Dr. D. Euler provided an input on the essential needs for effective cooperation with the business sector and on particularly relevant framework conditions. The webinar also included insights into the Skills for Jobs (S4J) Project in Albania. The webinar was followed by an expert consultation where participants could ask questions to Prof. Euler around their own challenges and discuss them with him and the other participants (the expert consultation is not documented).
Input by Prof. Dr. Dieter Euler:
Interview with F. Dragoshi & E. Çaro (S4J Project, Albania)
GESI BarCamp 5: Measuring Qualitative & Transformative Progress on GESI (13 June 2023)
The BarCamp included a panel discussion by with Dominique Crivelli (SDC), Birte Ifang (BMZ) and Maren Kroeger (GFA), three co-moderated exchange sessions by donors & projects and a debriefing session by representatives from the DC dVET members (full documentation here)
Interview with Birte Ifang (BMZ)
Interview with Dominique Crivelli (SDC)
Interview with Maren Kröger (GFA)
GESI BarCamp 4: Addressing Complexity of Social Inclusion in Dual VET in a Feasible Way (25 April 2023)
The BarCamp started with a keynote by Christine Hofmann (ILO). Following the keynote there were four interactive exchange session; one following up on the keynote of Christine Hofmann, one by CBM Christoffel Blindenmission Schweiz, one by light for the world and one by the GIZ Global Project ‘Inclusion of People with Disabilities’ (full documentation here).
Keynote by Christine Hofmann (ILO)
GESI BarCamp 3: Company Strategies to Implement GESI in Dual VET (15 March 2023)
The BarCamp started with a keynote by Diane Le Goff, Global Manager of the Youth Education & Entrepreneurship CSR programs for Schneider Electric, based in Vietnam. She presented how the business sector implements GESI in its dual strategies highlightening their Youth Education and Entrepreneurship Program and their approach to Women Empowerment in the energy field. Following the keynote there were three interactive exchange session; one following up on the keynote of Diane Le Goff, one on a collaborative project for mainstreaming GESI in TVET by Society for Renewable Energy and GIZ ISED and one the experiences with the involvement of the private sector in Uganda and Kenya by ICEP (full documentation here).
Youth Education and Entrepreneurship
Keynote by Diane Le Goff (Schneider Electric), Part 1
Women Empowerment in the Energy Field
Keynote by Diane Le Goff (Schneider Electric), Part 2
GESI BarCamp 2: Translating Gender & Social Inclusion Policy Objectives into Reality & Action (17 November 2022)
The BarCamp started with a keynote by Dr. Usha Bhandari from SDC Nepal. She presented the various strategies they are taking to address GESI in a systematic way. The keynote was followed by three group discussions; one following up the input by U. Bhandari, one looking at the design of a new program focusing on Green Skills and GESI in Ethiopia and Uganda and one reflecting the relevance of gender policies in dual VET in ASEAN (full documentation here).
Keynote by Dr. Usha Bhandari, SDC Nepal (for her Testimonial on the BarCamp see here)
Green Transition & Jobs / Transition & Employ Verts – ameliorer le climat pour égalité des genres aussi (20 September 2022, in French)
Avec l’économie verte, deux scénarios peuvent être observés de près: (1) Les compétences et les emplois futurs et verts peuvent être l’occasion d’instaurer une plus grande égalité par rapport au genre – ou bien (2) ces nouvelles exigences en matière de compétences vont-elles accroître les obstacles dans la formation professionnelle et sur les marchés du travail, entraînant l’exclusion ou la discrimination des femmes ? Dans la présentation, différentes considérations sont développées à ce sujet.
Contribution d’experte de Christine von Harrach
GESI BarCamp 1: Gender & Inclusion in dual VET in Development Cooperation (31 May 2022)
This presentation provides an overview on the relevant, burning and sometimes provocative questions on the topic of gender & inclusion in Dual VET in development cooperation. The interactive map provides further insights on the inputs and discussions during the BarCamp (full documentation here).
Expert Input by Dr. Sandra Rothboeck
Micro-, Small- & Medium-Sized Enterprises and Dual VET in Sub-Saharan Africa (10 March 2021)
This presentation provides an overview on the characteristics of TVET in Sub-Saharan Africa. It explains the differences between informal and formal apprenticeships and the rationale and options for upgrading informal apprenticeships.
Expert Input by Dr. Anthony Gewer
Implementing Dual Apprenticeships – Lessons from South Africa (10 March 2021)
This presentation provides an overview on TVET in South Africa. It explains some elements of reform that have already been undertaken, the key role of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, the role of business associations as well as important lessons learned.
Expert Input by Dr. Anthony Gewer
Companies Engaging in Dual VET: Do Financial Incentives Matter? Options, Pros and Cons (Webinars 17 June 2020 & 22 March 2023, Expert Consultation 28 March 2023)
In dual VET, companies typically bear a substantial part of the training costs. This raises the question why companies that are engaged in VET are willing to incur these costs, and to which extent financial subsidies do or can influence this decision. What are the main reasons for companies to train or not to train? Do or could financial incentives influence their behaviour? And how would such incentives need to look like to create new training places? The presentation provides an overview on general options and reflects on pros and cons of financial incentives for training companies.
Expert Input by Mag. Kurt Schmid (ibw Austria)
Matching VET with Labor Market Needs – How to Assess the Skills Demand (14 May 2020)
For developing and transition countries, skills matching and anticipation tends to be a particularly complex task, amongst others due to missing labour market information and weaknesses in institutional cooperation. The presentation provides an overview on different methodologies and tools which can be used to assess the skills demand in a given context, as well as the characteristics and suitability of the different approaches.
Expert Input by A. Molz (ILO Office for Eastern and Central Europe)
Financing of (Dual) VET (13 May 2020)
Sustainable financing of VET is a key factor to ensure an efficient and qualitative provision of demand-oriented VET. At the same time, limited state funds and the lack of business sector contributions are core challenges for many VET systems around the world. The presentation provides an overview on different elements and approaches of sustainable (dual) VET financing, including specific considerations on the role of the business sector.
Expert Input by Dr. G. Specht & C. Aipperspach (PLANCO Consulting GmbH)
Cost-Benefit Analyses for Companies in (Dual) VET (13 May 2020)
The engagement of companies is a key condition for any effective dual VET system. In countries that want to introduce dual VET, it is often difficult to convince companies to participate. Cost-benefit analyses are a tool to make costs as well as benefits of apprenticeship training visible, but also to analyse under which specific conditions it might pay off from an economic point of view. The presentation provides information about the requirements and key elements of cost-benefit analyses, the difference and suitability of evaluations and simulations as well the possible use and limits of this kind of analyses.
Expert Input by Prof. Dr. St. C. Wolter (University of Bern)
The video is not publicly listed – to get the link please contact us at coordination@dcdualvet.org, thank you!
Dual VET in Development Cooperation – Key Elements and Principles (23 April 2020)
This presentation provides a general introduction into dual VET by explaining its basic dimensions, the role of the private sector and strategic entry points for dual VET development with the private sector.
Expert Input by Franz Kehl (KEK-CDC Consultants)
Expert Conference, Lucerne (Switzerland), 14 April 2016
In four topic-based workshops various project examples and the experiences of the members were presented and discussed. Here you will find the presentations, documentation and conclusions:
Workplace as a Learning Venue
The practical acquisition of skills in a real working environment is a key element of dual VET. In the Donor Committee member countries, the ratio of practical learning in a company to school-based learning is between 80:20 and 60:40. As such, learning in a company is the main focus of dual vocational education and training. To ensure that the workplace is an effective learning venue, several requirements have to be met. The following issues were discussedt the conference:
- Relationship between schools and companies as learning venues: How should/must the dynamic relationship between schools and companies be shaped, so that a workplace can function as a place of learning?
- The company as a learning venue: How should/must a company design a workplace so that it can actually be experienced as a place of learning by the person who is being trained?
- Framework conditions for the company as a learning venue: Which requirements/framework conditions are necessary so that the workplace can function as a place of learning?
Workshop 1: Summary and Key Messages (in German)
Joint Responsibility of the State and Private Sector
The joint responsibility of the state and private sector and of partners at schools and companies respectively, is a key feature of dual VET. The so-called collective governance (Verbundpartnerschaft) is regulated in legislation. The starting point for this cooperation is clearly defined responsibilities and a dialogue on a level playing field. In development cooperation partner countries, the private sector is often not even involved or only to a minimal extent. Consequently the integration of the private sector is often a key goal in VET projects.
Workshop 2: Summary and Key Messages (in German)
Challenges and Experiences with Dual System Reforms taking the Republic of Moldova as an Example
The Moldovan vocational education and training system is currently unsatisfactory. Reform endeavors face extensive challenges, amongst other,s in the areas of
- changing the legal foundations for vocational secondary education,
- pilot testing of two-year dual programs,
- the capacity building of school staff,
- the capitalization and upscaling of pilot projects.
One project presentation demonstrates how ADA supports the country in their efforts by setting up an occupational center as part of the ADA economic partnerships, in the other LED demonstrates their support with their project «CONSEPT – Strengthening the Vocational Training System in the Republic of Moldova».
Read and hear more about the presentations, information and conclusions of the workshop:
Workshop 3: Summary and Key Messages
Dual VET in Fragile Contexts
Throughout the world, there are more than 1.5 billion people living in fragile countries and countries marked by conflict and violence. Around 28 million children in conflict regions are denied schooling and as a result are often left bereft of personal, career and social prospects. With (initial and continuing) vocational education and training, people do not only develop specialist competences, they also improve their personal and social skills. The working group – based on the two project examples in Niger and Palestine – examined the question of which prospects can be created by dual VET in contexts characterized by fragility and informal employment relationships.
Workshop 4: Summary and Key Messages (in German)