Title: Engaging the Business Sector in VET: Working Tool for Policy Dialogue and Project Design in Development Cooperation – Part 1 (Study) 
Author(s): Prof. Dr. Dieter Euler (Institute of Business Education and Educational Management, University of St. Gallen)
Editor: Donor Committee for dual Vocational Education and Training DC dVET
Document category: Studies & Tools
Publication: November 2018, 2nd revised edition
Path: Resources | DC dVET Publications
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Engaging the business sector in VET is often a challenge. This working tool supports development cooperation actors in optimally structuring and implementing dialogue and project work for business participation.

Part 1 of the tool (Study) provides a comprehensive theoretical overview. It describes, among other things, the fundamental objectives of vocational education and training, relevant framework conditions and various areas of engagement. It also offers a wide range of suggestions as to where, how and under what conditions business can be involved in VET. The study concludes with considerations and practical tips for concrete project work, including a list of arguments for dialogue with the business sector.

From the content:

  • Relevant Frame Conditions
    1. Social/Societal Frame Conditions
    2. Political and Legal Frame Conditions
    3. Economic Frame Conditions
  • Reference Framework
  • Areas of Engagement (1): Participation of the Business Sector in School-Based Training Systems
    1. Implementation of Company-Based VET Phases
    2. Cooperation in Examinations and Certifications
    3. Qualification of Teaching and Training Staff
    4. Provision of Equipment and Teaching Materials
    5. Cooperation in Governance – VET Ambassadors
    6. Cooperation in Curriculum Development
    7. Participation in Financing
  • Areas of Engagement (2): Participation of the Business Sector in Learning-on-the-Job Systems
    1. Period of Leave for Theory-Related VET Phases
    2. Cooperation in the Development and Implementation of Training Standards
    3. Cooperation in Development and Implementation of Examinations and Certifications
  • Planning and Execution of Implementation Projects