SDC invites you to join the Webinar on “Responding to COVID-19 and saving jobs in non-farm sectors: experiences from two SDC projects”. We will hear about first experiences from projects in Bangladesh and Moldova and how they adapted their strategies to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. From Bangladesh, we will hear how the project is reorienting its strategy to support jobs in the ready-made garment sector. From Moldova, we hear how the project supports partners, for example, in setting up an e-commerce system for food or online trainings for ICT skills.
Below you find some additional information on the two projects:
Sudokkho Bangladesh: Project Website
OPTIM Moldova: Facebook page, Blog post
Wednesday, 10 June 2020, 15:00-16:00 Swiss time
Thursday, 11 June 2020, 10:00-11:00 Swiss time
How to join the webinar:
To join on your computer, open this link for Wednesday and this link for Thursday. If you use your office computer, the link will open with your Skype for Business (if installed). If you don’t have Skype for Business installed, copy the respective link and open it with your Internet Explorer or any other browser (except Firefox!)
To join with your smartphone or tablet, download the Skype for Business App, and then open this link for Wednesday and this link for Thursday.
To join via phone, call (+41584646973), using conference ID 3226333364 (for Wednesday) and 3348555586 (for Thursday)
In case you have any questions or doubts, please contact
Stefan Butscher, Deputy Director of Cooperation, Swiss Cooperation Office Moldova
Elene Tkhlashidze, Programme Lead at the SDC’s Optim project in Moldova, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
Derek George, Deputy Director of Cooperation, Embassy of Switzerland in Bangladesh (Webinar Thursday 11 June)
Ameena Chowdhury, Programme Manager – Income and Economic Development, Embassy of Switzerland in Bangladesh (Webinar Wednesday, 10 June)
Marcus Jenal, Partner at Mesopartner