21st Century Leadership is based on an appreciative, growth-oriented attitude which should be embraced by the whole institution and spearheaded by the management. In this course, participants will receive an innovative training on 21st Century Leadership competences and how to integrate these into their day-to-day work as decision makers in TVET departments and managers of TVET institutions. The concept of transformational leadership combined with new approaches to agile management tools and methods will form the focus of the programme.
• Content, elements, format and duration can be customized to the respective needs
On completion of the training, participants
• are aware of the interlinkages between 21st century leadership, 21st century education and 21st century skills
• are able to distinguish transformational leadership from traditional leadership principles and deduce appropriate measures for their own area of responsibility
• are able to select tools of agile management applicable in their working context
• are able to identify and apply transparent and appreciative, self-reflective communication concepts
• are able to detect, address and manage conflicts
• Concept of 21st century leadership and 21st century education (growth vs. fixed mindset)
• Transformational leadership vs. traditional leadership styles
• VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) environment and the demand for agile management tools and methods
• Communication concepts (e.g. appreciative and non-violent communication, emotional intelligence, self-reflection and communication as a leader)
• The nature of conflicts – understanding causes and effects of conflicts and the principles of conflict management and resolution
• Strategies to detect, prevent, and resolve conflicts at workplaces
Virtual format e.g. implemented with following methods:
• Action orientation
• Cooperative work
• Webinar
• E-coaching
• Synchronous / asynchronous
• Individual work / self-learning
• English
• German
• Upon request: other languages with interpreters
• TVET management staff
• Decision makers from relevant ministries, authorities and institutions
• Basic ICT skills
• 40 h in 2-3 weeks
Course dates 9:00 – 13:00 (German time)
Monday, 01.11.21
Tuesday, 02.11.21
Wednesday, 03.11.21
Thursday, 04.11.21
Friday, 05.11.21
Monday, 08.11.21
Tuesday, 09.11.21
Wednesday, 10.11.21
Thursday, 11.11.21
Friday, 12.11.21
The participants will receive a certificate of participation after successful completion of the course.
TVET Academy
Academy for International Cooperation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
E tvet-academy@giz.de
I www.giz.de/tvet-academy
learning-giz (learning-giz.de)