This year, the Divisions “Economy, Employment and Social Development” & “Methods, Digital Transformation, Innovation” in cooperation with the Sector Networks invite you to a joint learning journey through the year 2022. A series of virtual learning and exchange formats will span a range of diverse topics, culminating in a two-day conference from 13th to 14th September 2022 in Potsdam, where we would like to give the stage to a number of initiatives and partners.
Together, we will address the questions: How can GIZ support and work with partner countries to achieve an inclusive, green and digital transformation that secures wellbeing for all citizens in alignment with environmental and climate goals? How can we combine the economic, environmental and social aspects of development in our daily work in the face of current megatrends? How can GIZ work with partner countries to become more resilient in the face of current megatrends and global threats?
The Future Forum 2022 offers a forum to discuss innovative approaches together with experts from GIZ and cooperation partners to reflect on new ways of development cooperation, discuss concrete advisory approaches and develop new ideas.