Introduction to the training
TVET Hamburg has partnered with the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) in Berlin to create a unique online learning experience about the German dual TVET system with a focus on green energy skills. The course will equip you with an in-depth understanding of the features and success factors of Germany’s TVET system and the roles and functions of its major players. You will explore new skills and emerging jobs in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors. This also includes cross-cutting issues in TVET such as training equipment, quality assurance and digitalisation. The course provides you with an opportunity to network and connect with experts and decision-makers from all over the world and exchange on experiences and best practices in different country contexts. The focus of the training is on the practical applicability and transfer of dual training features. Applying the newly learnt content to your own project or case study will round off your learning experience.
Core contents:
- Features of dual TVET, roles and functions of major Players
- New skills and emerging jobs in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors
- TVET arrangements for sustainable development
- Pedagogical approaches and new learning culture in green TVET
- Private sector engagement in TVET
- Trends in digitalisation in TVET
- Quality management in German TVET schools
The course is held via an internet-based learning platform from 20 September to 29 October 2021 with a weekly workload of about four hours. It follows a modular design with interactive sessions and tasks both online and offline to complete in your own time. The contents are developed and delivered in cooperation with renowned institutions and organisations in the sectors of TVET and renewable energies. Facilitated online chat forums and live discussions provide platforms for ongoing exchange between the organisers and participants from around the globe.
Who is this training directed at?
The course is designed for TVET managers, policy makers, researchers, teachers and trainers with a specific interest in the application of dual training features for the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.
The benefits of the course:
✔ You will acquire an all-round understanding of the German dual TVET System
✔ You will gain comprehensive insights about approaches in TVET for renewable energies and energy efficiency
✔ You will explore cross-cutting topics including training equipment, quality assurance and digitalisation in TVET
✔ You will understand the market needs and workforce demand in the renewable energies and energy efficiency sectors
✔ You will explore how to “green” existing TVET curricula
✔ You will expand your professional network and exchange with experts and practitioners around the globe
✔ You will learn about best practices in the TVET systems of other countries
✔ You will apply your newly acquired knowledge and skills in a case study relevant to your context
EUR 900
Technical requirements
You can participate in the training using your personal computer, smartphone or tablet. The course design is also suitable for low bandwidth and poor internet connection.
After successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate.
Additional information can be found here.
Should you have any questions, please contact the organisers via