The European Training Foundation (ETF) started the project “Big Data for Labour Market Intelligence” in 2019, targeting development of an innovative data system for analysis of skills demand. The system is based on online job vacancies (advertisements), collected from web sources. In the first phase (2019-2021) the project achieved tangible results, notably the establishment of the databases and online visualisation platforms (dashboards) in three countries (Ukraine, Tunisia, Georgia). In 2022 the project started a new phase, marked by the inclusion of additional countries in the data system (Egypt and Kenya), upgrade of data quality and exploration of new themes and data sources. ETF works with a specialised consortium of data scientists and researchers (LightCast and CRISP – University Milano Bicocca).
Every year the project carries out regular capacity development programmes, and all resources and learning materials are accessible online for any interested institution. In the dedicated YouTube channel you find over 20 videos covering different aspects of the concepts, methodology, analysis and use cases.