DC dVET eLearning Course: Follow-up Exchange
OnlineFollow-up exchange for people who have done the DC dVET eLearning Course on "Dual VET in Development Cooperation" and would like to further discuss the content of the course and ow [...]
Follow-up exchange for people who have done the DC dVET eLearning Course on "Dual VET in Development Cooperation" and would like to further discuss the content of the course and ow [...]
EAfA is pleased to invite you to the 14th Live Discussion which will shine light on policy, campaigns and different instruments used to involve SMEs in apprenticeships programmes a [...]
Organized in cooperation with the rotating EU Presidency, these seminars build on Cedefop’s research and analyses to address issues relevant to current European debates on vocation [...]
Innovativ, digital und sicher: Der Invite-ToolCheck Digitale Weiterbildung 2022 macht den Weiterbildungsraum der Zukunft bereits heute erlebbar und unter invite-toolcheck.de allen [...]
An der Tour de Suisse zu Blended Learning geben Schulleitungen und Lehrpersonen vor Ort Einblick in die Strategien und Umsetzung von Blended Learning an ihrer Schule und tauschen s [...]
This webinar aims to illustrate how gender-inclusive policies are not only good for society, but good for business. The WI-ROI Framework looks at how to promote improved developmen [...]
Im Projekt BLok ist ein Online-Berichtsheft entstanden, das allen Akteuren der dualen Ausbildung zugänglich ist und die klassische Papierform nicht nur digitalisiert, sondern funkt [...]
Die 3. Etappe der Tour de Suisse Blended Learning führt an das Centre professionnel du Nord Vaudois in Yverdon-les-Bains. Dort wurden zwei Projekte am Rande der Programme entwickel [...]
The aim of the VET Winter Workshop is to discuss relevant (future) research topics and research questions across disciplines. VET research should foster collaboration and exchange [...]
The Future of Apprenticeships: Perspectives from Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia striving for excellence will attract delegates from Australia and around the world, includin [...]
Die Fachtagung wird erste Projektergebnisse zur Diskussion stellen und an Beispielen demonstrieren, welche Fachkräfte und Qualifikationen zur Wasserstofferzeugung und -nutzung gebr [...]
Within the ETF Network for Excellence, GRETA – Greening Responses to Excellence through Thematic Actions - supports CoVEs in their greening processes and promotes knowledge sharin [...]
Within the ETF Network for Excellence (ENE), the initiative on Autonomy and Public-Private Partnerships is organizing the on-line event on Processes & Key practices of CoVEs fo [...]
In diesem Seminar beschäftigen wir uns mit Ursachen, Strukturen und Auswirkungen von informeller Beschäftigung im südlichen Afrika sowie Österreich und überlegen, welche Auswege un [...]
Together Different: For the Planet. For the People. Unter dem Titel “Education for Future” widmet sich das International Cooperation Forum Switzerland (IC Forum) 2023 dem Thema Bil [...]
The DIGI ENE focus is digital teaching and learning practices. The overall objective of the initiative is to show how digital teaching and learning can efficiently increase student [...]
The Global Applied Education Network (GAEN), founded by the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), and the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) are prou [...]
This course provides a basic introduction to the concepts and methods behind market systems development (MSD), an approach to understanding and overcoming the failure of systems to [...]
The International Vocational Education and Training Association's (IVETA) next conference will be hosted in Dublin, Ireland. It has three tracks - plenary presentations, workshops, [...]
Als Fachmesse gibt die didacta einen umfassenden Einblick in das gesamte Bildungswesen von der frühkindlichen Bildung, über die schulische Bildung bis hin zur beruflichen Aus- und [...]
This Learning Lab, entitled "Young Africa – Embracing equal opportunities for women in TVET both online and offline", will be held on International Women’s Day, 8 March 2023, 09:00 [...]
Opportunities for continuous up- and reskilling should be accessible to all workers in order to maintain the competitiveness of the workforce. However, our current systems for skil [...]
The United Nations Observance of International Women’s Day under the theme, “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”, will be marked by a high-level event on Wedne [...]
Under which conditions does the business sector become a driver for inclusive dual VET? How can GESI be addressed from a business case point of view? For which groups, sectors and [...]
Weitere Informationen [...]
Bei der Netzwerkkonferenz erwarten Sie spannende Vorträge aus der Praxis, Erfahrungsaustausch sowie zahlreiche gute Beispiele und Lehr-/Lernmaterialien aus allen Bildungsbereichen. [...]
In 2018, the BEAM Exchange launched the MSD Competency Framework as a tool for MSD programmes to invest in their staff capacity - through hiring, training and assessment. Since the [...]
Die Digitalisierung von Arbeitsprozessen wirft die Frage auf, welche (neuen) Kompetenzen Beschäftigte benötigen und über welche Lernwege diese erworben und entwickelt werden können [...]
In dual VET, companies typically bear a substantial part of the training costs. This raises the question why companies that are engaged in VET are willing to incur these costs, and [...]
This technical workshop will showcase results of the UN Women and - ILO Joint Programme collaboration, inform on key lessons learnt, share innovative approaches, and reflect on iss [...]
This expert consultation follows up on the webinar on "Financial Incentives for Companies in dual VET" that takes place on the 22nd March 2023. During the expert consultation you h [...]
This Knowledge Conversation will focus on the role of managers/leaders in engendering worker-management cooperation. It can be difficult to quantify managers' direct contributions [...]
This multi-stakeholder dialogue, organised by ILO and IFAD, will bring together governments, social partners and other key stakeholders on the promotion of decent work in rural are [...]
On Thursday, 20 April 2023 @10-12.30 CEST you are kindly invited to attend online seminar focussed on the contribution of teachers in social dialogue to the successful achievement [...]
Global and national networks representing disadvantaged groups (e.g. Youth alliances; migration networks; Global Business and Disability Network; International Disability Alliance; [...]
Am 26./27. April findet die Abschlusstagung der Forschungs- und Transferinitiative ASCOT+ als virtuelle Veranstaltung statt. Die Teilnehmenden erwartet spannende Vorträge und Disku [...]
Market systems development programmes working in complex environments need to understand the context they work in, monitor changes, and adapt their work accordingly. This sounds si [...]
Wir präsentieren die Highlights aus zweieinhalb Jahren Innovationsarbeit für die Berufliche Bildung und schauen mit Ihnen, wo die Projekte stehen. Freuen Sie sich auf kontroverse D [...]
Auf der diesjährigen Klischeefrei-Fachtagung dreht sich alles um die Themen Fachkräftegewinnung und -sicherung, Berufliche Bildung und Gründung mit vielseitigen Anknüpfungspunkten [...]
Im Mai 2023 ist es endlich wieder soweit: Das Deutsche Ausbildungsforum öffnet für Sie zum 8. Mal seine Pforten und stellt Sie mehr denn je in den Mittelpunkt. Der Praktikergipfel [...]
Einmal im Jahr laden das Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung und die Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn zu einem Wissenschafts-Politik-Praxis Dialog. In diesem Jahr wird die Veransta [...]
Das Institut für Umwelt, Friede und Entwicklung (IUFE) lädt am 10. Mai 2023 zur Fachtagung "Umwelt und Entwicklung: Nachhaltige Perspektiven für unsere Welt" in den MARKHOF - Das D [...]
The 19th Regional Seminar will be a great opportunity for participants to share views, experiences and review developments in employment-intensive approaches to creating communitie [...]
The 6th International Conference on TVET in the Caribbean is the avenue through which persons are prepared for the world of work, and hence, an imperative for economic growth and d [...]
Um einen breitenwirksamen Transfer ausgewählter Projektergebnisse in die Berufsbildungspraxis zu unterstützen, führt das Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) im Auftrag des Bund [...]
This hybrid conference is organised jointly by the European Training Foundation (ETF), the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) and the European Association for the Education of Adult [...]
The Conference Crossing Boundaries in Vocational Education and Training is an expert meeting organized around the topics of socio-culturally different systems, institutions and age [...]
Der Forschungskongress am 25. und 26. Mai 2023 richtet sich an Interessierte zum Thema „Bildung und Versorgung in der Pflege gemeinsam gestalten“. Veranstalter ist das Bundesinstit [...]
Der Forschungskongress am 25. und 26. Mai 2023 richtet sich an Interessierte zum Thema „Bildung und Versorgung in der Pflege gemeinsam gestalten“. Veranstalter ist das Bundesinstit [...]
The conference aims to discuss the significance of the new scenes for lifelong guidance across different arenas in education, training and the labour market and the surrounding soc [...]
CareersNet, Cedefop’s network of independent national experts in lifelong guidance and career development, will convene in Stockholm for a half day on 1 June 2023. It is the first [...]
Das Ziel der SEL Webinar Serie besteht darin, wissenschaftliche Analysen des schweizerischen Bildungssystems zu präsentieren, aus Sicht der Bildungssystemakteure zu reflektieren un [...]
The 2023 CEMETS institute will be an in-person institute once again with a one-week live session in Zurich from June 12th to June 16th. After three years of virtual institutes, w [...]
How does development cooperation approach and measure GESI in dual VET? How successful were/are governments and projects in introducing GESI responsive and transformative approache [...]
The event will explore the links between apprenticeships and the digital transition, and their implications for policy making, bringing together policy makers, practitioners and re [...]
We are so excited to announce an Alumni Institute for participants of all past institutes, especially the 2020-2022 virtual institutes. We will do site visits, work on your reform [...]
The conference ´Microcredentials - a labour market megatrend´ will present the final findings of Cedefop´s project Microcredentials for labour market education and training. The ev [...]
Cedefop has used its 2023 Skills forecast to identify future gaps between demand and supply. A new Future Shortage Indicator blending information on skills demand, supply, and thei [...]
This conference will be the first on-site Bridging Event of the BILT project in the Asia-Pacific region. It provides a platform for outlining trends in green and digital qualificat [...]
This online event will disseminate the conclusions of analytical briefs on Rwanda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal and Uganda and a cross-country review on youth employmen [...]
Jointly organised by the ILO's Employment Policy Department and the International Training Centre, the Academy on Youth Employment delivers a comprehensive training package that in [...]
Welche Aufgabe hat die berufliche Weiterbildung in der Gestaltung der Arbeitswelt von morgen? Wie können Future Skills in der beruflichen Weiterbildung vermittelt werden? Was sind [...]
Don’t miss this opportunity to understand the green transformation, gain practical knowledge, and explore real-world examples! Gain practical insights from the “Skills for the Gree [...]
UNESCO-UNEVOC and WorldSkills International are co-organizing this hybrid event to celebrate World Youth Skills Day and highlight the role of skilled young people in building a sus [...]
Education+ is an exceptional platform for the development and advancement of vocational education in China. The aim is to help raise the quality of teaching and learning as well as [...]
The program aims at empowering public, philanthropic and private sector funders to collaborate effectively to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. A special ingredient are so [...]
The forum seeks to facilitate a discourse on preparing the workforce for a just transition to a green economy and on opportunities for transforming TVET systems to promote green sk [...]
Engaging with the business sector remains one of the recurring challenges in dual VET. In our upcoming webinar & subsquent expert consultation we provide the opportunity to eng [...]
As engaged actors in the European Year of Skills, the European Parliament together with the five EU Agencies under the remit of DGEMPL will share their insights and discuss with ME [...]
Providing today’s talent with the skills to build a great tomorrow During the Forum on Vocational Excellence 2023, education and training providers, governments and businesses com [...]
Engaging with the business sector remains one of the recurring challenges in dual VET. In our upcoming webinar & subsquent expert consultation we provide the opportunity to eng [...]
The conference ‘Embedding entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training in Europe’ aims to bring together stakeholders from vocational education and training (VE [...]
Künstliche Intelligenz, Metaverse, Mobiles Arbeiten, Generation Z, Energiewende oder Fachkräftemangel – ein Schlagwort jagt das nächste, die Diskussionen und Meinungen sind vielfäl [...]
To enhance the high-impact program on TVET education and training among the 26 member countries, Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) is collaborating with the Malaysian Technical Doc [...]
This flagship conference is one of Cedefop’s key contributions to the 2023 European Year of Skills. The conference will offer a platform to stimulate dialogue, to disseminate resea [...]
Künstliche Intelligenz, Metaverse, Mobiles Arbeiten, Generation Z, Energiewende oder Fachkräftemangel – ein Schlagwort jagt das nächste, die Diskussionen und Meinungen sind vielfäl [...]
Swiss Launch of the Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 (GEM Report 2023) is dedicated to Technology and Education and will take place on 24 October 2023 in Bern (Switzerland) [...]
The annual conference will bring together stakeholders who can shed light on a joint approach (employers/training providers) which would mitigate the gap between the provision of s [...]
After the successful BarCamp series on Gender and Social Inclusion in 2022/2023, we are delighted to launch a new series on the role of dual VET in a just green transition. In coll [...]
In recent years, international interest in vocational education and training (VET) has grown. The discussion about the success factors of VET and the extent dual VET can offer adva [...]
This conference will showcase findings from the project on strengthening the social and solidarity economy in Asia – phase 2. It will convene policymakers, representatives of emplo [...]
In November 2023, Cedefop and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) are organising the fifth Policy Learning Forum on upskilling pathways: a vision for the future. The [...]
jakobb ist die Veranstaltung, bei der sich die Partner der dualen Ausbildung – Schule und Betrieb – begegnen und in den Austausch kommen. Vom 04. bis 05.12.2023 haben Ausbilder:inn [...]
Das Ziel der SEL Webinar Serie besteht darin, wissenschaftliche Analysen des schweizerischen Bildungssystems zu präsentieren, aus Sicht der Bildungssystemakteure zu reflektieren un [...]
The goal of the Thementag 2023 is to facilitate an action-oriented exchange among GIZ colleagues, commissioning parties, experts, and development practitioners. It will provide par [...]
In continuation of our BarCamp series on the role of dual VET in a just green transition, we’re delighted to invite you to our second BarCamp. For the organization of these BarCamp [...]
Following our BarCamp series on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in dual VET, we’re pleased to invite you for another round of discussion to dive deeper into practical applicat [...]
Following our BarCamp series on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in dual VET, we’re pleased to invite you for another round of discussion to dive deeper into practical applicat [...]
In February 2024, Cedefop and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) are organizing the fifth Policy Learning Forum on upskilling pathways: a vision for the future. The [...]
In continuation of our BarCamp series on the role of dual VET in a just green transition, we’re delighted to invite you to our 3rd BarCamp. This will serve as an interactive platfo [...]
We’re pleased to invite you to the launch of our newly developed online guide (the launch is taking place three times, please choose the most suitable for you): How to implement du [...]
We’re pleased to invite you to the launch of our newly developed online guide (the launch is taking place three times, please choose the most suitable for you): How to implement du [...]
We’re pleased to invite you to the launch of our newly developed online guide (the launch is taking place three times, please choose the most suitable for you): How to implement du [...]
This conference aims to provide a platform for leading scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to reflect and discuss the drivers of high-quality education and training and impr [...]
Der neue Zyklus von Bridging Events im Rahmen von BILT für die Jahre 2024-25 beginnt mit einer Konferenz in Europa, die von La Cometa Società Cooperativa Sociale (Cometa) ausgerich [...]
The Global Skills Forum brings together representatives from around the world to take part in a conversation about how to shape skills development in our ever-changing economies an [...]
The next DC dVET BarCamp on Green Just Transition will address the issue of sustainable VET along the whole supply chain. During the BarCamp GOVET will present their new "VET Chain [...]
The next and for the moment last BarCamp in the series on the role of dual VET in a just green transition will take place on Tuesday 25 June 2024 from 12:00 - 1:30pm CET and focus [...]
Le lancement de notre guide en ligne, qui est maintenant disponible en français (ALLEZ AU GUIDE) Dans ce guide, vous pouvez découvrir, à l'aide de plusieurs modules pratiques et co [...]
For more information see Home - WorldSkills Conference 2024 [...]